National Capital Region County makes Communities Safer from Hazardous Materials and Saves Thousands of Dollars in the Process
Cuts county administration workload in half.
(Saving $20,000 annually)
80% reduction in hazmat analysis hours.
(Saving $10,000 annually)
Mailings are done online.
(Saving $600 annually)
$30,600 SAVINGS per Year
THEN: No Access, More Expense |
Old process required a full-time employee to manage
the paper based process.
The Tier II chemical information was not available for
first responders.
The Tier II reports were warehoused in a filing cabinet
in the office. Only the LEPC Coordinator had access to
the information.
No assessment of risks for each chemical sites.
Very prone to error since couldn't catch whether
chemicals were EHS.
Hard to compare inventories for prior years.
Emergency Response plans were not reliable because
they were more than 4+ years out of date.
No vulnerability analysis process was in place so they
had to rely on a standard .50 mile radius around each site.
Due to the standard .50 vulnerability assessment, all
240 schools throughout the county spent hundreds of hours developing risk plans.
NOW: Quick Access to Accurate Risk Plans |
Facilities find it much easier to report than Tier 2 Submit.
More than 100+ responders and 5 satellite rescue
squads have immediate 24/7 access to the hazmat information and no longer need to go in to incidents blindly.
The systems Emergency Response Plans make it
easier for the planners to complete Hazmat Management Plans and other planning needs.
Inspectors are able to rely on the facility information
from the system during their annual site inspections.
County/City of Fairfax are linked into one single Hazmat
Fairfax Hazmat Teams utilize the system to create their
Aloha® plumes for risk sites.
The TIER II MANAGER™ being used in the back of the Fairfax County Hazmat Support Unit. |